Saturday, December 28, 2019

13 Tips to Make the Most of Your Summer BigLaw Internship

13 Tips to Make the Most of Your Summer BigLaw Internship13 Tips to Make the Most of Your Summer BigLaw InternshipWhat can I do to make sure I get a job offer at the end of the summer?As the co-head of hiring for Decherts New York office and in my past roles on the hiring committees of two other grenzberschreitend firms, I have been asked this question by law school students a lot. And while I always give the best answer that I can, the question I think incoming summer associates should really be asking (and which I have yet to hear) is how they can make the most of their summer BigLaw internships. Naturally, the number one objective for any summer associate is to get that offer, but the most successful ones realize that these positions afford them much mora a unique opportunity to not only prove themselves worthy of a job offer but to learn more about their chosen firm, their chosen career and the possible practice areas available to them. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to obse rve the inner workings of a law firm and its various practice groups, which should not be missed. Below are some tips for summer associates to keep in mind as they get ready to start their BigLaw internships.First and foremost, remember that this is an 8-12 week job einstellungsgesprch.As noted above, your main goal as a summer associate is to ensure that you obtain a job offer at the end of the summer program. The best way I have found to do this is to remember that a law firm summer internship is really a very, very long interview and to conduct yourself with this in mind. Therefore, as you would in a job interviewDress appropriately every day. When in doubt, better to overdress or go for the more conservative choice.Build in extra time so you are never late. This means late for anything, including any meeting, training, or firm social event.Proofread and double check any written materials (including emails) you are handing in or sending, as you would your resume.Be polite, friend ly, and professional to everyone, including support staff, but remember the professional part most of all, as you are business associates and not friends (yet).Show enthusiasm and interest. Remember, the person you are speaking to does this for a living and most likely feels passion for the subject. Try to learn what you can about it and develop an interest. If you cant muster up any real enthusiasm, be polite and fake itPrepare and ask mit niveau questions. Before meeting with an attorney to receive an assignment, look the person up on the internal website and, if comfortable, ask junior associates or your mentor about the attorneys work area and personality. When you receive an assignment, make sure you understand what the attorney is looking for and his or her timing expectations. If you dont understand or arent sure, ask questions to clarify.Remember this is your main chance to observe and learn from actual practicing attorneys before embarking upon and making decisions about yo ur career. While summer internship programs give law firms the opportunity to get to know law students and understand their personalities, work ethics, intelligence, and capabilities, summer internship programs also give law students the opportunity to get to know the law firm, its culture, its people, and its various practice areas. This is the best chance a law student has to observe lawyers at work on a day-to-day basis and gain an understanding of what the practice of law is like and the difference between various practice groups and sub-specialties.In order to take full advantage of this opportunityAttend all trainings and practice group presentations. Law school teaches you a great deal, but this is your chance to learn about what practicing attorneys really do. Pay attention and you may be surprised by what you learn and what types of law end up interesting you.Attend all social events you can. Remember that work does come first and that you are on an extended interview (so p rofessionalism and decorum should be maintained even in social settings and social events should be skipped if necessary to meet work deadlines), but try to attend as many of the summer social events as you can. When at the events, dont just stay with the other summer associates. Make the effort to get to know as many attorneys as you can. The more people at the firm you get to know, the better sense you will get of the firm and its culture. This is also a great informal opportunity to ask for more information about the practice groups you may be interested in.If possible, try assignments for numerous practice groups in the first half of the summer. You may think you know what type of law you want to practice, but keep an open mind. You would be surprised by how many associates enter a summer program convinced they will never want anything but litigation and end up choosing transactional work or vice versa.In the second half of the program, once you have had a chance to narrow your possible interests, try to focus more intently on one or two groups you are most interested in and do a bit of a deeper dive. It will not only give you a stronger idea of what those groups are like, it will send a signal to the attorneys in the groups that you are truly interested in what they do and joining them.Observe the lifestyles, strengths, and personalities of the junior and mid-level associates in the practice groups you are interested in and, if possible, those of their clients. Keep in mind your lifestyle, strengths, and personality and be honest with yourself. Is the group mostly comprised of type-A, outgoing people who travel often and work late? Is it mostly comprised of low key, intellectual people with clients who expect them to be in early? Do you love to travel? Are you a morning person? Can you see yourself five years from now living the life of these associates and being happy? If you are like most law school students and lawyers I have met, you are intellectuall y curious and can find interest in numerous types of law. Paying attention to the lifestyle and personality of associates in a practice group and targeting a group you can see yourself naturally fitting into will make your chance of long term success higher.By staying professional throughout the summer and focusing on learning as much as you can about your firm and the opportunities available there, you will greatly improve your chances not only of getting a job offer before fall classes begin, but of securing a position that you will find rewarding for years to come. Heres to making the most of the summerLaura Swihartis a lebensgefhrte in Decherts Finance and Real Estate practice and co-head of the firms Hiring Committee in New York.This is a sponsored blog post fromDechert LLP. You can view Decherts Vault profilehere.Follow Vault Law on TwitterVaultLawand follow Vault on InstagramVaultCareersandFacebookRead MoreQA with Dechert Products Liabilty Partner Amy RuddLaw Students Get the Most Out of Your Summer InternshipHow to Succeed as a Summer Associate- What You Need to Know

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to sell yourself in an interview without being an egomaniac

How to sell yourself in an bewerberinterview without being an egomaniacHow to sell yourself in an interview without being an egomaniacThe idea of having to sell yourself in an interview is something that a lot of job seekers might struggle with. You want to highlight your qualifications without coming off sounding too smug. But what can wind up happening instead is that you undersell yourself, or you come across as overly confident and conceited, neither of which is appealing to a potential employer.Try these techniques so that you can sell yourself in an interview without coming across as a total egomaniacBe a storytellerWhile some interview questions require specific stats and figures, others allow you to dive a little deeper into your answer. And theres no better way to do that than by telling a story. Have a story (or two) prepared when you sit down for a job interview that can show off your skills and tell a bit about yourself, but still remain humble and down-to-earth. It could be about the time your companys website got hacked, and how you worked with the hosting company to resolve the issue and reinforce the site against future hacks. Just make sure your story is comprised of three parts a problem faced, what you did to fix it, and the outcome.Watch your toneEver notice how the same sentence can sound totally different depending on the tone in which someone says it? Just like yourbody language can convey a lot during a job interview, so can the way in which you answer interview questions. You can talk about your accomplishments in previous positions, but do so in a mora humble, low-key manner. Being loud, bold, and brash as you speak about past achievements can be a big turnoff for a potential employer.Mind your posturePeople who are trying to sell themselves in almost any situation will adopt a certain posture. They tend to lean in way too much, speak a little too loudly, and might make sweeping gestures with their arms as a way to hammer home a point. You can sell yourself- in a good way- by being mindful of your posture. Sit up straight, and lean in slightly to your interviewer as they speak to show your interest in what theyre saying. Keep good eye contact and be sure to smile naturally as you speak.Be honestTheres a veryfine line between self-promotion and bragging. The problem with bragging is that the truth tends to get overinflated and distorted. If you want to impress a hiring manager, be honest about your experiences. If you feel the need to self-promote out of feelings of insecurity about your qualifications, remember this if you werent pre-qualified for the position, you wouldnt have been called in for a job interview. So answer the questions accurately and dont exaggerate your answers to make yourself sound better. You wont.Understand the brandDuring your job interview, try to switch the focus off of you and instead show your interviewerwhat you can do for the company. It could be anything from improving their zugngli ch image to streamlining systems for maximum efficiency. Then, use previous work experience or a specific skill set to highlight exactly how you would do that. In this way, youre selling yourself, but in a positive way that is meant to help the company.Keep it shortEgomaniacs love two things - 1) to talk about themselves, and 2) the sound of their own voice. Thats why they tend to ramble on and on when they have to answer a question. So before you take a deep breath and answer the question, compose your thoughts first. Then, come up with a response that answers the question thoroughly but doesnt leave you looking long-winded or boastful.Give others creditIt might be tempting to claim credit for past projects that youve done, even if they actually were a team effort. Thing is, its ritterlichly easy for interviewers tofact-check your job applicationand also what you say during an interview. If a hiring manager finds out that you were part of an award-winning team and not solely respo nsible for the award, it can count as a big X against you.Hogging all of the glory for yourself isnt a good quality for someone who is going to be hired to work in a team, so try to be fair about the work you contributed to past successes.Know your strengths - and weaknessesA common job interview question you might get asked is, What is your biggest weakness? Even if you want to come across asthecandidate to hire, no one is perfect, and trying to present yourself as such might only offend a hiring manager. So just as you would keep track of your former glories, you should also have an example or two to present to a potential employer of things you need to work on. You can say something like, In looking for a remote job, Ive found that learning how to self-manage is very important. Ive become much better at being able to meet my all of my deadlines. This doesnt show failure, per se, but it does make you more human as you portray a weakness - and how youre working to make it better. Offer examplesWhen a hiring manager asks you about some of your biggest accomplishmentsin your past job, you say, Well, without my input and expertise, the company would have made a multimillion-dollar mistake. But before you let a doozy like that roll out of your mouth, youd better be sure to have examples to back up your claim. Otherwise, youll come across as a total egomaniac and untrustworthy, which can kill your chances of being considered for the job.This article first appeared on FlexJobs.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Modeling Comp Cards Are Used

How Modeling Comp Cards Are UsedHow Modeling Comp Cards Are UsedMany new models are surprised to hear that theyre expected to create and pay for their marketing materials. Maybe they didnt know models needed things like composite cards, portfolios, and web profiles. Or perhaps they thought it was the modeling agencys responsibility to put together these essential items. Whatever the reason, the real story is that models are considered to be independent contractors, and these marketing materials are considered to be crucial start-up items that dont involve the agency. Its just the ?cost of doing business. One of the fruchtwein critical marketing materials youll ever use is a composite card, which can be called a comp card, z card, zed card, or sed card. This small piece of paper has the power to bring big results Who Needs Comp Cards Composite cards are essentially business cards. Theyre an inexpensive and effective way to make a good first impression, to professionally showcase your abilities, and to share your contact information with agencies, scouts, clients, photographers, and other industry professionals. So, any model who is serious about their career, whether its commercial, fashion, plus-size, or any other type of modeling, needs to have composite cards Keep in mind that if you plan on doing multiple kinds of modeling (like commercial and parts modeling, for example), youll need to have a separate comp card for each type. Online Comp Card or a Printed Comp Card These days, many models use a combination of digital and physical composite cards. Theyre basically the same, but with one obvious difference One you email, and the other you snail mail or pranke out. However, if you are just starting out then an online composite card is the way to go.The beauty of an online composite card is that you can quickly swap out photos yourself rather than having to reprint hundreds of cards at the printing company.Online comp cards are the most inexpensive ch oice for new models who are often changing their photos in the beginning.Once you become a little more established, then you can invest in printed cards. All comp cards, whether theyre online or not, act like mini-portfolios and are a quick and easy way for agencies, scouts, and clients to see what youre all about as a model, and shows them that youre serious about a future in modeling. Its good to have both kinds on hand just in case the recipient prefers one type over the other. What a Comp Card Looks Like No two comp cards are identical, but the industry standard layout includes one large photo (your best one) and four smaller photos, with your name, details, and contact information at the bottom. Online comp cards are simply an eye-catching image that contains all of these elements, typically with the large photo on the left and the four smaller ones stacked on the right. Physical comp cards are typically double-sided (one large photo on the front, smaller photos on the back ) and printed on an 8.5 x 5.5 piece of glossy cardstock. Information on a Modeling Comp Card In addition to the photos, your comp card should contain all of the vital details that agencies, scouts, and clients need to know, such as your name, height, measurements, hair color, eye color, shoe size, and dress size. But most importantly, you need to include contact information, either for your agency (if youre signed with one) or for yourself. Youll never get booked if people cant get a hold of you How to Select Photos If youre signed to an agency, theres a good chance theyll help you pick the photos that best represent you. If you arent with an agency yet, youll need to choose your photos very carefully and possibly tweak your choices until you find the combination that gets the best results. Your main photo needs to be eye-catching and engaging- one with a true wow factor. This is the most important image, so make it count That doesnt mean you can choose any old photos for t he remaining images, though. Even though theyre smaller, they need to give the viewer a strong look at your skills and versatility. Think of them as an abridged version of your portfolio.

Friday, December 13, 2019

You Neednt Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need

You Neednt Break the Bank to Find the Talent You NeedYou Neednt Break the Bank to Find the Talent You NeedYou Neednt Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need ConlanSure,finding the right candidate costs money. But its not the job advertisements or even the competitive compensation that really hit your bottom line. Its an inefficient recruiting process- sorting through piles of resumes, qualifying candidates, checking back with them- that eats up time, and time is money.These recruiting solutions and processes can help make finding talent mora cost-effective.Be Clear about What You WantSome employers take a fishermans approach to recruiting- they cast a wide net with an all-encompassing job ad in the hopes of finding the best candidate out of a larger candidate pool. While that may seem like a good idea, it will only set you up for more work.Vague job descriptions are likely to attract less qualified candidates. The result is your having to wade through a lot of resumes that dont ha ve what youre looking for. A well-written job description provides a clear picture of what its like to work at your company. This enables applicants to self-select- and self-eliminate.Lead the job description with a compelling story of your organization What are its origins, hopes and dreams, how is the culture evolving, why do people join the company and stay, and so on, says Steve Tennessen, a director at the recruiting firm TRANSEARCH International in Chicago.Then describe a day in the life of this role that reflects your employer brand, as well as its goals and objectives. Convey excitement about what you do and in hiring the right people confidence and conviction will attract the same sort of people, Tennessen says.Get the Word OutNow that youve created a great job description, share it with your employees - these people can serve as your recruiting machine.The best low-cost recruiting strategy is to encourage all employees at a company to bring the recruiting team great leads , says Steve Benson, founder and CEO of San Francisco-based Badger Maps, a sales app.Referral bonuses or other incentives can help to encourage these connections.Keep in mind that your employees will tend to know people like themselves. While employee referrals may ensure a good cultural fit, they may fall short of your hiring a diverse team.Next, use social recruitingto spread the exakt about your job. Whether you list job openings on your website or use a job board, share the link on your companys social media channels as part of your social media strategy.Dont forget to share your job postings with employees invite workers to share these links on their own social networks. Encourage workers to participate in online industry groups where they can share what its like to work at your company and to post their enthusiasm on your companys social pages.Leverage the Power of Recruiting TechnologyCompanies spend a lot of time qualifying or gauging interest from candidates who might be a good fit, while they should be focused on courting the candidates they know are a good fit, says Javid Muhammedali, Vice President of Product at Monster.You want to make sure youre having the right conversations with the right people, he says. That will allow you to effectively focus on engaging the right candidates.Recruiting technologies such as semantic search help identify interested and qualified candidates early on in the recruiting process. When combined with the candidates behavioral online activity, this technology can be a powerful way to identify the best match for opportunities at your company.Beyond saving time and money, theres a surprising additional benefit. Rather than dehumanizing the process, technology can help put the human back in human resources, Muhammedali says. By getting tech tools to do more of the work of qualifying resumes for experience and fit, recruiters can spend more time with the actual conversations and getting to know candidates.Use advanced tec hnology to instantly receive qualified candidate resumes with Power Resume Search.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Nurse Resume Cover Letters Can Be Fun for Everyone

Nurse Resume Cover Letters Can Be Fun for Everyone The Appeal of Nurse Resume Cover Letters In addition, I host regular training seminars to make sure all employees are current with the newest medical findings and their certifications, together with the general regulations outlined by the business. Employers are uninterested in knowing all of your life experiences. The employer might want to know just what you are searching for and the skills youre hoping to utilize. Deciding which nursing association is best for you can be a little overwhelming in the beginning, but you just need to narrow the area. It is elend surprising that lots of new nursing graduates would require a small bit of assistance in regards to their new nurse titelblatt letter particularly when they want to raise their odds of getting noticed among the pool of candidates. Its not uncommon to hear new graduates looking for expert assistance once it regards their new grad RN cover letter because they would care to increase their probability of getting hired. Graduating from nursing school is a significant accomplishment, but additionally, it is only the start of your career. Heres What I Know About Nurse Resume Cover Letters If, however, you would like a cover letter professionally written only for you, then try our cover letter builder. For instance, a cover letter is an outstanding place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a long eu-agrarpolitik in employment. It is an essential part of any job application that helps you make a strong first impression. Basically, it contains an individuals intent to apply for a nursing job. This way it is possible to avoid all the explanations for why free cover letters might be the kiss of death for your resume. Just make certain youre getting the cover letter you demand. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. Keep your cover letter to a page. Our absolutely free student nurse cover letter sample and writing ideas can steer you through the application practice. Constructing a new grad RN cover letter isnt a simple job to do by yourself. Within this cover letter, youve got to describe your prior nursing experience which can be beneficial for the position youre applying for in a hospital. Writing a cover letter to apply to get a work right after youve graduated from a nursing school can develop into a sticky situation. There are two sorts of cover letters that can be defined as Nursing Cover Letters. The creative use of a top rated centered headline at the start and a P.S. at the end help to create this sample cover letter stick out. A couple of lines are sufficient. Be careful to construct the lines. Finding the Best Nurse Resume Cover Letters Review the work description and attempt to decide on which qualifications appear to bring the most value to the position. Check to guarantee youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets in regard to application requirements. Hands-on skills cannot be learned online, and based on which state you reside in, only the theoretical portion of your education can be done online or none in any way. There are classes offered for dozens of Degrees within this area either partly or fully online, based on the program. You may download your own free of charge by clicking the images below. Youre able to see mora useful information inside this sample. If theres any extra information you would like me to provide, please dont hesitate to contact me at the info above. So make certain to change this to more specific info.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Resume Writing with Volunteer Experience

Facts, Fiction and Resume Writing with Volunteer Experience All volunteer work needs to be utilised to supplement your real work history when youre asking for a paid position. The very first thing you ought to know is there is nobody right method to craft your volunteer resume. The probability of obtaining a job for a volunteer is often large. She is someone who has made a decision that they will work for a company or an organization without expecting a payment. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resume Writing with Volunteer Experience Becoming a volunteer isnt always as simple as it seems. If needed, you can find a small creative in regards to selecting a Job Title for your volunteer experience. Being a coordinator may be lifelong rewarding career, but sometimes it is advisable to start as a volunteer before you are able to get to a level in which you receive a salary for the job. You should organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. Hiring agencies will try to find particular terms in your resume to make certain that you have the experience theyre seeking.The work experience part of your resumethe part in which you describe your previous jobsis the most important element of your whole job application. How you pick the appropriate one among them are able to rely on the sum of relevant experience youve got and the sections of the resume that you would like to emphasize. Learn about the three kinds of skills youre able to highlight and the way youre able to incorporate them into your resume. There are a couple distinct places where you are able to consist of volunteer experience on your resume the placement is really going to depend on just what the remainder of your professional experience appears like and your present job objectives. All you have to know to earn a stunning resume job description. Its possible that forfirst job resumes, its not essential for the applicant to have a thorough cover letter. However, it cannot go amiss when it has to do with applying for work. You are going to learn how to best format your resume and the strategic advice that you want to stand out as an excellent candidate at every stage of your career. You should maintain a consistent tone and format once you list and describe the particulars of your experience for a volunteer. In some fields, employers will expect to observe a resume with a particular format, which might differ than these samples. Whether this Volunteer resume example was not sufficient for you, youre totally free to review several other samples and templates from our website. While Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. Each resume format can be helpful, based on your own personal circumstances.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Next-Generation Wearable Medical Robot

Next-Generation Wearable Medical Robot Next-Generation Wearable Medical Robot Next-Generation Wearable Medical RobotOne day in the not too distant future, researchers at Harvard University hope their work with soft wearable robots using innovative textiles can offer easy and unobtrusive assistance to individuals with physical disabilities. That same work also offers promise for augmenting the capabilities of healthy individuals, for example, helping soldiers carry heavy loads and walk farther and longer by assisting the muscles in the hips and ankles. In a field only about three years old that evolved from research into soft robots as medical devices, Conor Walsh, assistant professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering at Harvard, and founder of the Harvard Biodesign Lab, leads a multidisciplinary team of about 30 researchers developing soft wearable robots. The furthest along are a soft exosuit that can assist with locomotion and perform small levels of assistance to a wearer ( such as a soldier) and a glove that assists with grasping motions for those with hand impairment.Multi-segment actuators used in the robotic glove enable an assistive range of motions. Image Harvards Wyss Institute Compared to current external rigid structures, the wearers joints are much less constrained. Wearing the devices as clothing also makes them much lighter since they consist primarily of fabric. This minimizes unintentional interference with the bodys natural biomechanics and allows for better interaction, according to Walsh. He was attracted to robotics as a student because it was kind of a cool topic, he says. After earning undergraduate degrees in mechanical and manufacturing engineering from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, then M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he joined Harvard in 2012. As a grad student, he worked on rigid exoskeleton-like robotic ordnungsprinzips and was even a test subject evaluating them. I realized firsthand just how hard it is to use rigid components to interface with the body, he says. At Harvard, he saw researchers working in a new field called soft robotics. Instead of rigid components for medical devices, they were using soft materials to apply forces to people as they move. That made me think, wow, wouldnt it be cool if we applied these new soft robotic components to wearable robotic applications, he says. Traditional exoskeletons are large systems giving people superhuman power thats what rigid robotics does, says Walsh. Such equipment requires big battery packs. We came up with the idea that maybe there is a whole set of people out there, where if you give them small or moderate levels of assistance, you can still have a big impact.A box containing the battery and motor is a key component of the system. Image Harvards Wyss Institute The system consists of a textile component, an exosuit in different body sizes, made of flexible, lightweight fabrics suc h as nylon or spandex. It serves as an anchor to the body and allows forces to be applied in a safe and comfortable way. Sensors acting as controllers or monitors of the wearers movements are integrated into the suit. The other component, a box the size of a backpack, is the motor and battery that works for all size individuals. The team has shown through testing with the U.S. Army and others that a system that doesnt add much extra mass or many restrictions to natural movement and that gives a boost of energy at the right time can enable healthy individuals to carry heavier loads and walk farther. Its still a research project, but its quite far along in terms of our capability for testing under different types of conditions, Walsh says. The team has also made progress with a soft robotic glove to assist with grasping motions for those with hand impairment, using a different technology, silicon actuators powered by some kind of fluid, water or air. Imagine a balloon-type actuator, Walsh says. Its a little mora complicated than that, but its similar to a balloon. When you pressurize it, it imparts forces on the fingers and causes them to bend in a natural type of motion. These are integrated in a glove for people with conditions such as muscular dystrophy or ALS. We have been testing that on patients from the start and have a nice prototype that we are currently refining to make lighter, Walsh says. The glove is expected to be put into a small trial later this year. Robotic devices for the hand have been particularly challenging because traditional rigid exoskeletons are heavy and hard to align properly to the person, Walsh said. Thats where we saw an advantage to using soft robots that could be more flexible, more lightweight, easier to put on and more easily aligned to the persons anatomy. So far we have had some pretty exciting results. Patients are able to do things that they wouldnt otherwise be able to do, he says. Walsh believes these kinds of devices c ould be available within the next three to five years. The technology opens up new possibilities that wouldnt be possible with rigid robotic components. Its really just starting as a field. Its rewarding because the technology is cool, but the fact that its toward the goal of helping people, that makes it all the more compelling, Walsh says. Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer. Learn about the latest trends in bioengineering at ASMEs Global Congress onNanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. For Further Discussion The technology opens up new possibilities that wouldnt be possible with rigid robotic components. Its really just starting as a field.Prof. Conor Walsh, Harvard University

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Air Force Enlisted Jobs and Qualification Factors

Air Force Enlisted Jobs and Qualification FactorsAir Force Enlisted Jobs and Qualification Factors

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Public or Municipal Finance Careers

Public or Municipal Finance CareersPublic or Municipal Finance CareersPublic finance (also known as municipal finance) has two main definitions. The first is financial management for governments and government entities. These can include towns, cities, counties,and states, as well as the public authorities that manage such entities as (when they are publicly owned in the sense of being controlled by government rather than by private owners), for example School districtsTurnpikes and other toll roadsBridges and tunnelsAirportsPublic transit systems, such as rail, bus, subway and ferry linesMunicipal water systemsSewer systemsGarbage and waste pickupPublicly owned electric utilitiesPublicly owned stadiums, arenas, racetracks and sporting facilitiesParks and recreation areas The second is the branch of investment banking and securities underwriting that specializes in raising funds for governments and public authorities through the structuring and marketing of bond issues. Government al Financial Management The aspect of public finance that encompasses financial management with governmental bodies, agencies, and authorities calls for people with expertise as, for example AccountantsControllersTreasurersRisk managers In funding government operations, financial managers in the employ of government bodies often must work with elected officials to set policies and legislation regarding various funding sources, most notably TaxesUser fees and tollsFinesBorrowing Gamesmanship in Public Finance An old, familiar feature of budget exercises within governmental bodies is the use of the Washington Monument Ploy to protect headcount and spendingwhile wearing down public opposition to increases in tax rates, user fees and/or tolls.while wearing down public opposition to increases in tax rates, user fees and/or tolls. Municipal Consolidation and Mergers In a number of states, the proliferation of layers of government and/or small entities at each level often is blame d for rapidly increasing costs of government that far exceed the generalized rate of inflation for goods and services in the private sector. A popular proposed remedy is to consolidate or merge small towns and school districts, among other public bodies, to eliminate redundant administrative overhead and empty building space, thereby decreasing costs. Similarly, there are moves afoot for small towns and other jurisdictions lacking scale to outsource or share services, such as garbage pickup, road maintenance,and snow plowing, to spread the capital cost of expensive vehicles and equipment that often sit idle. Moreover, neighboring towns may seek to share police, fire and rescue services in a similar cost reducing attempt. Recent research, however, indicates that municipal mergers and consolidations not only may fail to meet expectations as strategies for cost savingsbut may even have the opposite of their intended effects. See When Civic Mergers Dont Save Money, The Wall Street Jour nal, August 29, 2011. They conclude that a group of several small governments can end up costing less, collectively, than a single larger government combining all their functions for these principal reasons Small governments tend to employ fewer highly paid professionals such as lawyers.Small governments tend to have lower pay scales and benefits (like health insurance and pensions) for comparable positions.Small governments usually have mora positions filled by low wage part timers. Another aspect of small governments not mentioned in the article is that they are more likely than larger jurisdictions to depend on unpaid volunteers to deliver key services, such as firefighting and ambulance, rescue, or EMS squads. Moreover, the researchers quoted in the article find that, when governments merge, the pay and benefit packages for the retained staff tends to rise to the level offered by the highest paying government prior to the consolidation. Additionally, the harmonization of staff a nd services also tends to result in increased services (and thus greater costs) for residents of the areas with the lowest level of services beforehand. In the end, the savings produced through reduction of duplicative managers, administrators and equipment is more than offset by increased compensation for the vast majority of workers. The Illinois Cost of Government Study A study of public finance in the state of Illinois shows that, compared to average salaries in the townships, county employees earn 35% more, municipal employees get 46% more and state employees receive 49% more. Townships have 77% of their positions filled by part-timers, as opposed to 25% in municipalities, a mere 9% in counties and 31% in the state government. Not surprisingly, then, total spending in the townships rose by only 17% from 1992 to 2007, versus 50% in municipalities, 66% in counties and 51% in the state government. Another factor is that the townships usually have significantly fewer employees per resident than other layers of government. As in other states, costs in Illinois school districts are rising very fast, up 74% in the 1992 to 2007 period. Average school district salaries are 25% higher than township salaries, and 23% of their headcount is part time. Innovations Among the recent innovations in public finance are social impact bonds, which are being used to fund cutting edge programs, but which transfer the risk of failure from taxpayers to private investors.